Return Policy

UpCircleSeven is committed to providing the highest level of customer care. To ensure each customer is completely satisfied, we guarantee all UpCircleSeven products to be free of manufacturer defects and to perform to the highest quality standards.

If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, your order can be returned for a full refund, less a flat rate $8 return shipping charge.

How to return my items? Easy! Follow the steps below:

  1. Simply fill out the return form and place it in your package
  2. Affix the prepaid shipping label to the outside of your package
  3. Drop the package off with the appropriate shipping provider. and we’ll process your return within 7 days of receipt

Your return will be accepted if your item:

  • Is returned within 30 days of receipt
  • Has not been used, worn, or washed
  • Is not missing any original items

The following returns will not be accepted:

  • It has been over 30 days since you received your order
  • The item has been actively used or worn
  • The item has been altered or damaged after being received
  • Is missing any original items

If using your own shipping method, please return to the following address:

  • UpCircleSeven
  • Attn: Returns
  • 5175 Jerry Tarkanian Way
  • Unit 21304
  • Las Vegas, NV 89148

Please note all items are subject to inspection. The cost of shipping is non-refundable and a $10 restocking fee may be applied. Due to an automatic ordering system, order modifications are no longer possible once your order has been placed online. As soon as your order is shipped out, you will receive a tracking email that will enable you to track your package.

If you experience a problem or are unsatisfied with the quality of a UpCircleSeven product, fill out a Returns Inquiry Form.

All purchases made through Amazon will fall under Amazon’s Returns & Refunds Policy